30. januar 2005

The Phantom of the Opera

I actually liked the movie very much. I never really knew much of what the story was or who the players were, all I knew was that The phantom had a thing for Christine, and that he wore a mask.
At times the movie feels a bit long and dregged out. However I enjoyed the film, if only for the use of colors and settings. The black and white introduction was great, and when the theme started playing while the opera house transformed into its glorious former self was just brilliant. I didn't agree with all the insertions of the black and white scenes, the first and last one would have been enough.
I loved the music, I've never been a big fan of musicals, but I really liked Phantom.
I had my doubts about Gerard's singing ability, but that quickly evaporated, really liked his voice. I think everybody did a good job, and I liked the way things were done.

So in short I liked it even though I sometimes felt things were a bit slow gowing.