22. desember 2005

King Kong

The cast, story and effects were good, but the story was just to long, it dragged on forever. I got bored.. I would have loved to get my hands on the raw footage and cut it myself, I'd have it down to 1h 30min in a heartbeat. Seriously.
It was just way to long.
I didn't really care much in the end what happened to people, the only people I cared about were Colin Hanks' and Jamie Bell's characters, even though I barely remembered their character names.

9. oktober 2005


The movie was extremely intense. I was exhausted afterwards. Still feel like I haven’t been able to process everything that happened. There’s just so much happening in this film that it takes a while to sort through it all.
The movie clocks in at about two hours, but it didn’t feel that long at all. In all honesty I felt it was too short, I wanted more. To me some pieces felt a bit fragmented, but I think that might be because the scene before was just sinking in before the next one began. It’s a roller coaster of a film, and I was on the edge of my seat most of the time, had I been alone I would have been talking to the screen, cheering and screaming.

There were however some things that bugged me. This is glossier than the show ever was. While ‘Firefly’ had kind of a brownish tint, the film is more metallic and blue. It’s a little thing, but it also makes kind of a weird transition. It maybe didn’t help that I just finished my ‘Firefly’ marathon a few hours before I saw the movie. So If anybody else is planning to watch the show first, do it the week before you see the film, to get a little distance between the two.

In short, I really loved the movie, but can understand the people that don’t like it. There’s a moment towards the end that caught me completely off guard, and it took me a long while to get over it. However that might be something that non-browncoats won’t react to, and other browncoats saw coming

I loved the cast of this movie, Joss Whedon knows what he’s doing when he chooses his casts, they all work really well together, and I just adore every single member of the Serenity crew.