18. juli 2005

Fantastic 4

I was an okay movie, not fantastic, but innocent fun. I had fun with it and it might actually end up in my collection at some point. It had some of the same structual faults as Daredevil, but I liked the characters, and it's obvious that this film is just a buildup for the next movie.
The end fight was way to short. Actually on of the same things that bugged me about Daredevil.. Am wondering how it'll be in the next movie. I will go see the next movie. In short, much better than I'd expected, but not what I would be jumping up and down for.

6. juli 2005

Sin CIty

Just got back from my second viewing of Sin City.

I do love this movie, and I'll be buying it the second the 2-disk edition is released. Anyways, this movie is visually stunning. Kind of weird to say that about a mainly black'n white movie, but it's true. The few colours that pop up just add to the gritty feel of the movie, and help draw attention to the simple things we might have missed, like Dwight's shoes.
The stories are simple, and I don't know if I would have enjoyed it as much if they were taken out of the CGI/black'n white/gritty setting, and each segment made in to a separate film. It's the style and the feel that this movie delivers that kept me in my seat and enjoying myself, that and the really cool characters.
First up is two short stories, one with Josh Hartnett, and the beginning of Bruce Willis' story. Don't think it lasts for more than 10-15 minutes in total, before the first main event. The Hard Good-Bye.