1. august 2005

Batman Begins

It's a really good film, but the beginning is a bit of a slow burn. The bit up in the mountains is important to the story, but I think they should have trimmed it a little bit. I eventually got sucked in to the whole thing, and I really enjoyed the film.

Christian Bale did a great job. Must admit I was among the folk who wasn't sure abount him for the part, but he kicked ass.

I also liked Cillian Murphy, but I think his role was a bit too short, or unused, felt like they could have done a bit more out of his character.

Must admit I had some flashbacks to Episode 1 in the mountain scenes with Liam Neeson. Not a part I'm that used to seeing him in this, but I liked it.

Gary Oldman was good as ever. He is a marvelous actor. Kind of felt he and Liam should have reversed roles, but I liked it very much the way it was.

Michael Caine is one of my faves, and I loved him in this part, almost felt he was made for it.

I also liked Morgan Freeman, I always like what he does.

Thruth be told, I love Liam Neeson, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine & Morgan Freeman. They are some of my fave actors out there, and having them in this movie was just wonderful. It adds some real quality to the film

The only one I kind of felt weird about was Katie Holmes, but that might just be because she'll always be 'Joey Potter' to me, or the hype about her and Tom Cruise.

All in all I really enjoyed the movie, and as I mentioned last time, the cast is greatly responsible for that, in my eyes. They all really did what they came to do, and a bit extra

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