27. juli 2008

The Dark Knight

There was so much going on in this film that when I try to remeber the first few scenes and introductions I'm having a hard time piecing them together.
It is an amazing film, Christopher Nolan has done a wonderful job with bringing this story to life, and his choiche of actors for the various roles just helps build on the script he and Jonathan Nolan wrote. They've taken a story with so many characters and so many conflicts and actions and made something remarkable. This could have easily turned into a big mess of a film, but they've managed to balance almost everything in such a wonderful way. The few flaws that can be found are easy to forgive because of everything they managed to get so right.
My only complaint, might be the same I initially had with the first one; the lenght, but I never really felt that there was stuff they could have cut out, so all in all that is a very minor detail.

I think the cast did a wonderful job. I have to give some credit to Maggie Gyllenhaal for actually bringing some life into the Rachel Dawes character, this time around I did care about what happened to her.
Aaron Eckhart also did a very good job, and the transition from good-doer Harvey Dent to Two-Face was awesome. I actually didn't know that that was going to happen in this film, but I found it to be a very nice surprise.
Christian Bale is wonderful as Batman, he gives us a more grown-up version of the character this time around. The darkness still hangs around him, but he seems to have found some balance within himself, which I think Christian portrays very well.
Michael Caine, Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman are just as great as the last time.
I even have to give some credit to Eric Roberts who I did a much better job at portraying a mob boss than Tom Wilkinson managed to do in Batman Begins.
And finally Heath Ledger as The Joker. He was nothing short of amazing. Everytime The Joker was onscreen I felt uneasy and kind of wanted him to go away, but when he wasn't onscreen I kept waiting for him to show up again. Heath took a character that in the script was dark and insane, and gave such a portrayal that even though he is a raving lunatic you can't help but like him just a little bit. I wanted to see the film before I joined the bandwagon, but if they don't give him an Oscar nomination for this, whatever little faith I might have left in the Acadamy will die.

All in all it is a very good movie. But I do feel I need to watch it again to fully be able to wrap my brain around it. Hopefully under less distracting circumstances. That being said though, I have a really hard time seing Christopher Nolan top this, but I am exited for the next one.

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