5. oktober 2004


Wimbledon has some sweet and charming moments, but the romance just happened all at once. Then when the big end moment came, it wouldn’t stop, I felt like it went on forever. 
I’ll recommend this movie to tennis enthusiasts and people who can sit through any form of romantic film. 
I did get a kick out of seeing Bernard Hill (Theoden) as Paul Bettany’s father, without the beard and with short hair. And that’s really all I have to say about that.

14. august 2004


I did enjoy this film, but there was something about that film that bugged me, I just can’t put my finger on it. There were some flaws in logic. There was one of the crucial moments towards the end, and a choice, that didn’t make sense to me, with respect to the powers that the characters had. Also I felt that some of the characters were underdeveloped, there was just something missing.
Baby HellBoy was adorable tho. It was fun and I remember having fun with it, but it wasn't what I expected.

15. juni 2004

The Day After Tomorrow

In short I liked it. It wasn't a overly deep film, it was the kind of movie fun I've been longing for for a long time.
I wasn't actually expecting to enjoy myself to much, but from the first disaster I was squirming in my seat, in a good way that is.

When we left the cinema we were gushing, I haven't had this much fun in the cinema in a long while. Now the big question is; would I have felt the same a few months ago? I honestly don't know, all I can say is if you liked "Independence Day" you'll probably enjoy this.

It was great to see Dennis Quaid in a good role, hope it gives him a boost.
Jake Gyllenhaal was adorable. Mom fell in love with him, I just think he's über-huggable.
Ian Holm was as good as always, he is a serious actor, but he did have a little humorous glimt in his eye in this film.

4. juni 2004


It was an ok movie, but I didn't get emotionally involved in what happened, there was one scene toward the end where I started caring a little, but that was to little to late.

The battle scenes have been compared with LOTR, saying they're good, but doesn't come near to LOTR. This is true, they're good, but can't compare to LOTR.

The acting was good, Orlando wasn't as sucky as expected.
Brad Pitt was good, but it was hard to let go of the fact that he's Brad Pitt. In my eyes he's better suited to play contemporary roles, not historic ones.
Eric Bana did good, he's a good actor, and is still at that stage where he gives it his all, without going over the top.
Sean Bean, as good as ever.
Brian Cox, the man I love to hate. Well, didn't really care until a point toward the end, but it's true; he really is a good psycho.
Of the main three females in this movie, it was Saffron Burrows that I liked the most.
It was nice to see Tyler Mane again, even though he didn't have much screen time.
Now the old squad, I  don't really have a clue. I don't feel like writing anymore, they were good.

I'll have to admit that I agree with some of the reviews I've read. This is a good movie, with a lot of really good shoots and scenes, but it lacks the emotion. The point where I started caring was just because it hit a nerve, if that were not the case I doubt I would have gotten much out of it.

What gets me is that the guy who write the screenplay grew up with this story, and still they managed to turn in into a Hollywood thing.

26. mai 2004


This is the biographical film about Sylvia Plath. I was bored out of my mind... but if you like movies about suicidal poem writes who are insanely jealous and paranoid about her husband being unfaithful, this might be right up your alley.

I was just annoyed by the end of it. The only thing I could appreciate was the mise-en-scene.

7. mai 2004

Van Helsing

I finally got to see "Van Helsing" last night, and I honestly don't know what to think. There was stuff I liked, and there was stuff I didn't like... I might have to say that this is my least favorite Hugh Jackman film.
Stephen Sommers has come a long way since his "Huck Finn" years, and I think he's become a little to fond of CGI effects. Now, you would expect effects from a movie such as this, but at some times I felt they were overdone.

Anyways, I don't expect people to like it to be honest. I went to that movie expecting it to suck major quantities of ass, and therefore got better than I expected.
I've always had problems with movies where stuff mainly happen in the dark. This movie uses mostly gray and dark gray tones, and I can't really remember anything brighter than that.
I liked the premise of the movie, and the idea behind it, I just don't feel like they realized it as well as they could. It's good as a homage to the old movies, but I'm not sure it does them justice.
Hugh Jackman delivered a great performance, as always.
I really liked David Wenham's character, just things he said and did. He's comic relief and good at it.
Kate Beckinsale... seriously... she does good, but I don't really see the point in her character being a woman other than being a love interest for Van Helsing, and saying "Oh, my God" as often as possible.
Richard Roxburgh, I'm not really sure what to think of him as Dracula, I had a hard time buying it to be honest.
In some ways this movie reminds me of "LXG", but the difference is that "Van Helsing" will probably end up in my DVD collection. Basically because of Hugh Jackman and David Wenham, and the fact that there were some sequences I liked, and some of the dialog was good.
The character of Van Helsing has quite a few things in common with Wolverine, which is probably another reason why I'll end up buying it.

If you're able to enjoy a movie just because of one actor, you probably will like it, I had two actors to keep me occupied, so I got into it.
Tell me what you think, because I'm still not a hundred percent sure. The jury inside my head is hung on this one.

26. april 2004

Kill Bill: Vol. 2

It was very cool, am looking forward to be able to watch them back-to-back in the comfort of my own home.
Nr. 2 wasn't as bloody as the first one. It was cool. This one was more easy going and laid back, when I realized the movie was coming to an end I thought it was too short.
If you liked number one, you're going to like number two.

Igby Goes Down

It was really good, had a "Catcher in the Rye" feel over it. Really liked it, will recommend it to anybody that's ever had problems with school, family or fitting in, or all of the above. ;p

26. februar 2004

Ladri di biciclette (1948)

"The Bicycle Thieves" is an old italian black/white film that has claimed a spot among the true cinematic classics. It centers around a man who's bike has been stolen, and how he and his young son go in search of finding it, as it's vital to the man's job and hope of having any income.
I liked this film, the story was simple, but sweet. The actors were all amateurs at the time this film was made, but they all do a really good job. Quite a charming film in fact.

À bout de souffle (1960)

"Breathless" is an old french black/white film which is rated among the classics of cinematic history. I didn't like it too much, the buildup was simple, and I didn't really care about what happened to the character. Plus the main character had some annoying habit with fiddling his lips. It just bugged me.