20. mai 2006

The DaVinci Code


I never thought I would say this, but I liked the book better... and I didn't really like the book in the first place. Ron Howard and Akiva Goldsman pretty much had a ready script with the book, all that was needed was to make it into a script, but apparantly this was too hard for them. There have been changes from the book, changes that were completely idiotic, most notecably the ending, which I maybe wasn't too crazy about in the book either, but the movie ending is just so ridicoulous.

Now to be honest I don't think I would have enjoyed the movie any more or less if I hadn't read the book. The material drags along and I couldn't really give a damn about the characters involved. For me it was even less engaging than the book.
Acting wasn't the best either, Tom Hanks seemes to be bored out of his mind, Audrey Tautou didn't seem to know what to think, and Silas looked more like he was addicted to clown makeup than an albino. Paul Bettany didn't really deliver either acting wise, he seemed as if he was in a haze. The only actor that seemed to at least try to give it his all was Ian McKellen, but then again he's very good even on his off days. His was the only character I enjoyed in the film, that I felt had some kind of depth to him.

I enjoyed the theories put forth in the film though, that Jesus was married, was a human just like the rest of us, with wife and child. The bible was written so long after his death, that I find this easier to swallow than what's written in the bible, I have to say. However, these things that might have helped the movie gain some ground, just fell in the cracks and drowned in what was supposed to be suspense. Calling this film a thriller is just silly as I wasn't thrilled at any point during the film.

The film was also way to long. 149 min is to long to expect people to sit still for this. Towards the end I was going through how many more things would happen before the film would finally be over, according to what I had read. It was just too much. They could have easily made this a two hour film and much more engaging, the flashbacks were awkwardly done, and I was left thinking that we really didn't need Silas' flashbacks as he really is a minor character.

The style and cutting of the movie also felt awkward to me, something that pops up in the first scene. The scene shows Sauniere running for his life, this is intercut with a very calm and collected Robert Langdon getting ready to make a speech, to hold a lecture in an auditorium. It was just so badly cut together, and totally ruined the flow of what should have been a suspenseful scene.
When it comes right down to it the only things I enjoyed about this film was Ian McKellen, the soundtrack and the theories put forth.

Bottom line, if you really want to see this film, wait for the DVD and chip in for it with some mates.

6. mai 2006


AKA, the movie where I had the whole theatre to myself.

I liked this movie, I felt like I was taken back to the 80s and 90s with regards to the storyline and some of the effects, but I have to say that is partly why I enjoyed it so much. It was funny and gross and scary and such a good time. It managed to be all those things at once and hit all the right notes.
Now, it's not one of the best films ever, I think it took a little too long to really get started, but the buildup was good and totally worth it. I also have to admit that it was really fun to see Nathan Fillion on the big screen again, and I'm sure his character Bill really would've loved some help from River (Serenity/Firefly) in ass kicking mode.
This film is fun, plain and simple. It gets in, delivers its scares and its laughs, and gets out quick. As what it was meant to be, it was absolutely brilliant. It does its own thing, and it does it perfectly, and the result is pure entertainment.
There were a few things that suprised me, but in a good way. There are 2-3 things that always seems to happen in movies like this, especially with the kind of introductions we are given to the characters, and how the storylines unfolds, but none of them happened here, and it pleased me to no end. To some extent in the middle of all the crazyness they kept a little element of realism, or at least thinking how those things would most likely develop. So a big plus to James Gunn on that one!
You all should definetly go check it out! It's innocent fun, and yes you will be scared, grossed out and have a good laugh while watching it.