1. desember 2006

Happy Feet

First off I have this to say; awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

It took about half a minute before I was charmed to bits by the penguins. The opening was sweet, and I have to admit that I think my heart skipped a beat when Hugh Jackman (Memphis) started singing, even though I hate that song.
When Mumble entered the scene more cuteness ensued. Now, I usually hate mushy, cutsie movies, but this one won me over very fast. Maybe I'm getting soft? However it wasn't pushing the mushy stuff, this movie actually had a story to tell and it got right down to it.
I liked the movie a lot, even though there were about two or three times I thought it was over before it actually was, and each time I was thinkin; 'It can't end like this!' It didn't end like that, and I was very happy. It kept going on. I was suprised before the film to learn that it lasts almost 2 hours. It doesn't feel like that at all.

It's a very sweet and endearing film. The story builds up nicely, might not turn the way one expects, but it's the better for it. I knew almost nothing about the storyline going in, so I was very pleased about it turining in a direction I didn't know about. It kind of has two storylines, but the first one helps set up the second one, so it worked nicely.
This movie will end up in my DVD collection, there's no doubt about that.

In closing; I want a Mumble doll.

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