7. oktober 2006

Supernatural - 202 - Everybody Loves a Clown

I loved this episode, I can't really add much to the reviews I've read, but will give you my views.
Clowns have never creeped me out, and they still don't. This episode obviously decided to focus more on what the boys were going through than the scary bit, which I was very happy about. There are too many shows where a main or important character dies and after one episode of grieving everything's back to normal. Both Sam and Dean will be struggling with this for a long time, and I suspect Dean is heading for some kind of meltdown. I don't see that happening till the end of the season, but you never know.

Both boys did a wonderful job with the scenes revolving around John's death. Many have commented on Dean's single tear, and I have to say I loved that too. He's trying so hard to be strong and not letting it get to him, but we can all see that it has. Sam's reaction is also very natural. He has a lot of guilt to carry, and he's doing the best to work through it. I do however think that Sam is the one that will manage, he'll end up having to support Dean through this.
I'm still waiting for that hug, Kripke!!
I suspect that when Dean said: "You know what, you're right. Come here, I want to lay my head gently on your shoulder. Maybe we can cry, hug, maybe even slow dance." it was the writers way of letting us know that a hug isn't coming anytime soon, which I do understand considering what kind of guys Sam and Dean are. I'm still pretty sure that it's coming though.

I'm still not sure how I feel about Jo, I've been told that nothing will happen between her or either of the boys this season, which I'm pretty happy about. I don't think she got enough screentime for me to fully make up my mind about her. If she gets to kick some demon ass I know she'll grow on me.
I liked Ellen though, she seemed like a though chick. And I can totally see her having worked with John, and also how they could have had a falling out. I want a story or something about that.
Ash has to be one of my fave guest stars up to this point. It was just to brilliant, him being a genious and all. I can just picture him at MIT, Lol. and the look he gave Dean when Dean wanted to touch the super-computer. And he said 'fugly', which just scores so many points!
Ash: If this fugly bastard raises its head, I'll know. I mean I'm on it like divine on dog dookie.

Dean driving the Van was just to funny as well. I couldn't stop laughing. Don't get me wrong, I could feel his pain. But it was kind of like watching a hard metall band dressed in pink tutus, just so wrong.
I loved that Sam has a fear of clowns, which also led to one of the greatest exchanges between Dean and Sam.
Dean: You still bust out crying whenever you see Ronald McDonald on the television.
Sam: At least I'm not afraid of flying.
Dean: Planes crash!Sam: And apparently clowns kill.
Sam didn't even deny that he's afraid of clowns, just to funny. Plus it was a link back to one of my favourite episodes of season one, so that just made it even better for me.
I liked the bit where Dean gets hassled by the blind guy and the little guy. He just looked like he was starting to panic, and Sam just laughing at him.  Though I felt Dean got his payback when he made Sam sit in the Clown chair.

So many great funny moments in this episode. I know there are more I could mention, but you guys have seen the episode, you know.

Now, for the painful parts. Sam and Dean's argument out on the road. I know that was painful for Sam to hear, but it was true. However, Dean needs to face his pain as well. I do understand him though. People asking you if you're all right can get pretty aggravating in the long run, it's like you're trying to move on, but they won't let you. The thing here is that Dean is trying to move on before he's faced it, which will end up breaking him at some point.
I loved the end of the episode. Not that I enjoy it when Dean is in pain, but that was a very powerful scene. I started freaking when he started hitting the Impala, but what else could help him vent as good as that? He's not able to voice his anger and sadness, so he takes it out on the one thing that reminds him of John, the Impala. Just so incredibly sad.

I can't wait until the next episode. Is it Thursday yet?

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