13. januar 2007

The Prestige


There was a level of anticipation tied to this movie. When I first heard about it I misunderstood and thought it would be a fantasy movie about wizards. I thought that might be cool and felt some anticipation. When I realized the film would be about magicians having a rivalry I kind of lost interest, not sure how that could be very exiting. When the trailer finally hit the web I was turned around again and was really exited. It had been a very long time since trailer had had such and effect on me, making the level of anticipation rise.
I left it after that, thinking that I didn't want to know anything more and I would try to put the trailer out of my mind, because I suspected it was rather spoilery.

So after waiting a long time for this film, I finally got to see it yesterday. The opening scene of the film kind of dissapointed me, but that was just due to expectations, it was rectified in my mind as the story progressed and I understood more about how the story was built up. It took me a little while to get into the non-linear way the story was being told. As the story unfolded I got sucked in to it, and really enjoying myself. Exposing layer after layer, keeping the suspense up, was all very well done.
Even though I figured out pretty much every big turn before it happened, and the big twist for the end of the movie was something I picked up on very early, I still managed to enjoy myself when they were revealed. For one it made me feel smart since by the reviews I've read very few others picked up on these things ahead of time, but it was also because having the suspicion was part of the fun of the film. Trying to figure out what would happen next, being part of the mystery just made me enjoy myself that much more.
It's one of those stories of war where you can't help but think if one of them would just have let it be this wouldn't have kept getting worse, and growing the way it did. It did make for a great film, and actually a good comment on humans and the need for vengance.

As mentioned, the twists were good, and if you let yourself sit back and just watch the film you probably won't see them coming, I'm more in an inspective mode when I watch movies nowadays. The big final twist was well played out, though some of the actions within that reveal might have taken me a bit off guard. Though the final scene was one with heighened tension I really enjoyed it, I still have some suspicions in my head about the final scene but they will never be confirmed in any way, so I guess I have to leave them.

The acting in the film was great all around, Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale did great jobs. I've always liked both of them as actors, and I'm not sure I've ever seen any of them deliver a weak performance. Both characters are un such a roller coaster ride of emotions and it was a pure joy to watch.
I've always liked Michael Caine as well, and I think he did a very good job as well. I'm very happy that he's seemed to have stepped away from the silly-comedy genre and made his way back into dramas and action films.
I've never been a big fan of Scarlett Johansson, this film didn't change that. I didn't like her very much in this film either. For some reason I didn't think she was right for the part, there was something there that didn't quite 'click' for me.
I really enjoyed the scenes with Andy Serkis and David Bowie, I'd kind of expected David Bowie to be the weak link when it came to the performances, but I was very happy to be proved wrong. I enjoyed every scene he and Andy Serkis were in, and kind of wanted more.

All in all a very good movie that will definetly end up in my collection. That was pretty much guaranteed the second Hugh Jackman signed on to do it, but this one I will take great pleasure in rewatching as I believe it will be a film that will reveal new things with each viewing. A great cinematic experience, and I hope more people run out to see it.

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