20. desember 2008


I went in to the screening with very low expectations. I’d read both good and bad reviews, and was convinced I’d end up agreeing with the bad ones, as I doubted they’d be able to translate the book to screen in a good way.
It’s not a brilliant cinematic achievement, but I liked it. They managed to take they key points form the book and put together a good story for the film. The changes that had been made in settings or information were for the most part understandable, and as someone who enjoyed the book I have to say I was pretty happy.

I think people who have read the book will get more out of the story, as there are a few threads that never really get to the surface of the film. My main complaint of the film is the editing; it feels fragmented at times. Jumping from situation to situation without letting certain things really develop and some characters left by the side.
I have a feeling there are dropped scenes, and I hope there will be a slightly extended version available at some point as I think the movie would have benefited from an extra 15-20 minutes. I probably would have dropped the flashback and fantasy shots for more story, even though they were short I would rather have had more of the story.

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson do a good job as Bella and Edward. I think they were good choices for the role, though I have to agree with the critics that Edwards initial reaction to Bella’s scent was a bit much. Other than that I have no complaints.
Initially I was not happy with Peter Facinelli being cast as Carlisle, but it didn’t take long before I let go of that. He was actually a very nice choice.
People have been going off on Jackson Rathbone, mostly because of his hair, but I have to say I thought he was the perfect choice. I just wish we’d have gotten to know him and the rest of the Cullens better in the film.
I also think Ashley Greene was perfect as Alice. I love the character and I was happy that they had found a good actress as well.
I liked the rest of the cast as well, there weren’t really anyone I felt was out of place or that I would have changed for someone else. Just wish there has been more time to get to know some of the characters a little better.

Personally I probably would have tightened the beginning of the film to leave more time to focus on James and building up the tension of that. Which also would have let us get to know the Cullens a little better.
All in all I really enjoyed the film. It’s not perfect, but I think it’s as close to the book as they could get within a 2-hour run time. It will end up in my DVD collection and I am very curious how they’ll translate the rest of the books to the screen. So in short, I’m happy. But I think those who have read the book will get more out of the movie experience than those who have not.

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