29. april 2007

Supernatural - 218 - Hollywood Babylon

Lol, I knew the opening was from a set of a crappy horror movie the second I saw the swing. This ranks as one of my fave episode openings, just because they poked fun of the horror genre in such an awesome way, with the over-acting and the silly screams.
The concept drawing of the ghost looked like Ghost rider to me.

Oh, the boys on a Hollywood tour, that’s just to great!

Dean: You know this is where they filmed Creepshow?

Haha, oh Dean. That kid just looked so confused.

Tour Guide: To the right here is Stars Hollow, it is the setting for the television series Gilmore Girls.

Lol, the look on Jared’s face was just priceless, he looked so freaked out.

Sam: Does this look like swimming-pool weather to you Dean? It's practically Canadian!

It had to happen sooner or later. Love that they are able to poke fun at themselves.

Dean: Sam, check it out, it's Matt Damon.
Sam: Yeah, pretty sure that's not Matt Damon.
Dean: No, it is.
Sam: Well Matt Damon just picked up a broom and started sweeping.

Haha, I’m gonna have to suspect Sam was right on this one and that it wasn’t Matt Damon.
At first I thought this was a weird way to follow the last episode, but when Dean asked Sam if he didn’t want some time off after Madison I was pleased, as we got an explanation, and Sam’s not ready to talk about it yet either.

7. april 2007



I have to be honest, I'd expected to be bored out of my mind during this film. But everybody was talking about it, praising it, so I was curious. The trailer looked cool, but never impressed me much, so when I sat down in the cinema I just thought I was in for two hours of gore, mindless battles and men showing off their bodies.

It took a little while before I got into it. I was however at once liking the visual style of the film. It is a tricky thing to do, without claiming to much of the attention, but the color use worked well with the scenes, and I never found it distracting.

I was eventually fully drawn in to the story. Despite my usual lack of enjoyment for big battle scenes I enjoyed every one in this film. The fact that the battles were split up instead of going on for 45 straight minutes was the main reason for that. Also the way the battles were portrayed, slowed down for some parts, brutal in others, and some with narration. All filmmakers wanting to make a movie featuring an epic-battle should watch this first and take notes, this is the way to do it!

The political side of the story kind of slowed things down, but I didn't mind as Queen Gorgo was such a strong character, and there was one scene where she had me cheering.

All in all I was impressed by this film. Considering my expectations I was amazed. I'd recommend it to anybody, because it was awesome.

1. april 2007

A Walk to Remember

I’ve had this film lying around for a while, but put of seeing it, as I’m not a big fan of chick flicks, and for some reason I thought it was a film about teen-pregnancy.

I finally decided to sit down and watch it and was very pleasantly surprised. It’s not a very original story, and I guessed what the twist would be a while before it was revealed.

The story told in a very sweet and honest way, and the actors do a very good job with their roles. I didn’t feel like the movie took itself to seriously, like most movies like this tend to do. The moviemakers just wanted to tell this story, and let the viewers take what they wanted from it.
Actually very glad I finally found the time to watch it.

Entourage, season 2 and 3.

Entourage ses 2
I wasn’t a big fan of season 1, but figured I’d give season 2 a shot since I liked two of the characters. I still think Vince is a little wuss, and Drama annoys the hell out of me.

Eric ends up like kind of a father for the whole group making sure they don’t do anything stupid, and half the time I want him to just let Vince and the boys crash and burn, so they’ll learn something.

To me the fun part of the show is Ari, he is the main reason I keep watching, even though he’s a dick.
Having said that I felt season 2 as a major improvement to season 1, which is why I continued on to…

Entourage ses 3

Apparently they’ve only aired half of this season, but thus far I am pleased about Vince taking a little more control, even if he’s shot himself in the leg this time. I feel they’re laying to much of the blame on Ari for the route his career has taken so far this season.

I still think Drama is a douche, but props have to go to Kevin Dillon for playing that part so well!
I haven’t decided if I’ll keep watching. On one hand it’s kind of fun to have a show that just lasts 30 minutes, and deals with the crap that goes on in Hollywood, on the other I have very little sympathy for these people, and I’m not exactly rooting for the main character to have a blossoming career. We’ll see.


I’m about halfway through the first season, and it’s going slow. It’s just now starting to get interesting for me. I initially started watching because I know Sean Astin shows up in season 2, and I figured I wanted the whole story, not just his scenes.

I don’t think Luke Perry is the most versatile actor ever, so giving him the lead in a two-man-show kind of puzzles me. Other than that it is an enjoyable show, and it’s started coming into it’s own. I’ll definitely keep watching till the end.
As post-apocalyptic future TV-series go I enjoyed Dark Angel a whole lot more. While Jeremiah is the newer show it feels rather dated compared to Dark Angel.

Over the Hedge

A cute little animated movie.
I hadn’t heard to many positive things about this one, but I was pleasantly surprised. As long as these movies make me laugh, I’m pretty satisfied, and this one got more than a few giggles out of me.