27. oktober 2007


An unintentionally funny action movie, which has scored pretty decent over at IMDB. It was over the top and a bit crazy, but that's what made it fun. A crazy cameo by Brittany Murphy just adds to the crazy.
It's obvious that this was meant to have a sequel, or that it might have worked as a pilot to an action packed tv-series, but it never got any of this things to follow the story further.
It's fun though if you're just in the mood for a crazy action.

Rob Zombie's Halloween

Dissapointing. It works as a horror movie, but it pretty much spits in the face of the original.
Giving us more background info on Myers made him less scary in my eyes, and this version of Laurie wasn't that likable. By the end part of me just wanted Michael to kill her so the film would be over.
I'd hoped for more, but as a slasher flick I guess it works.

The Price of Milk

This was just a little to much crazy for my taste. I only watched it for Karl Urban, and I got to see more of him than I ever wanted.
The movie starts out okay with the story of a couple in love, before taking a turn into crazy where the woman keeps testing his love for her in completely insane ways.
No, not my cup of tea at all.

Knocked Up

This movie was way overhyped and I fail to see how it's any different from the millions of other comedies like this.
It wasn't really all that funny and I can not understand how those two characters really ended up together. The side story of Katherine Heigl's character's fear of loosing her job because of her pregnancy wasn't even played out fully the way it could have been, and that could even had lead down a much more interesting road than if the two main characters would get together or not.
Very dissapointing.

Angel season 3 and 4.

I'm never quite sold on this series. It's good, but without a doubt the weakest of the Whedon-shows. It does hold a lot of entertaining moment and some episodes are great fun, but when it comes to vampire shows I still prefer Buffy.
The Connor storyline was never that compelling, and I can't really see why they even went down that road because it seems like they really had no idea about what to do with the character.
Season 4 is without a doubt the weakest of them all.


Very slow moving film, but it's good. The audience is kind of dumped in the middle of the events and the film stops before the big resolution, but that's kind of what I liked about it. It's like the story before the film begins.
There is a start and an end within the film, there is, but that story doesn't seem to be the main focus of the lives of the people involved in this film.
It's hard to explain, and I guess this is the film you watch if you're in the mood for a thinker.

The Two Coreys (101)

That was torture to watch. I'm sorry, but it was. I had the first two episodes on my harddrive, halfway through the first one I started doing other stuff because I couldn't watch the insanity. I didn't even bother with the second and deleted both.

Kyle XY, season 1 and 2.

I had no idea what to expect from this show. I'd heard that it was cute, but kept putting it off because I just couldn't see how a show about a guy with no belly button could be all that interesting.
When I finally started watching it I was hooked. It's so sweet and endearing, and I somehow managed to watch all ten episodes of the first season in one day. It really follows the simple formula of most teenage shows, but adds Kyle as a otherworldy element to change the pace and to alow themselves some action-plots.
Before I started watching I'd seen other people commenting on similarities with "Dark Angel", and wouldn't you know it there are a lot of things that connect the two shows, including some actors. It's amusing, and leads to some fun theories about how Manticore really got started.
It's a fun and charming tv-show and I'll defineltly keep watching this as long as they keep making new episodes.

Harrison Bergeron

I truly had not expected to like this, and kept putting off watching it because I just expected it to be boring. But it's a great movie that will make you think.
It was wonderful to see Sean Astin in this role, and it warmed my heart to see both Mackenzie Astin and John Astin in two small cameos.
But the fact is that Sean Astin does a very good job portraying Harrison, and the story is built up in a simple way that works very well. I really think I want to find this one on DVD, because it's a keeper.

Deadwood, season 2

The plot thinkens, and I was very happy to see that Jim Beaver had gotten more to do. I have to admit that I don't know if I would have been this into the show if it wasn't for the fact that I know the majority of the actors from other things.
Deadwood is a very good show, but the shakespearean dialouge and numerous twists and turns can make the storyline hard to follow at times.
It is a great Tv-show; with strong stories and a wonderful cast.


I'd actually wanted to see this for ages, and was very pleased when I finally got a hold of it. It turned out to be pretty dissapointing though, I'd expected it to be funnier, and built up better. The different viewpoints of the story didn't offer up the humor one could have expected from it. I think this film was a wasted opportunity.

28 Weeks Later

I'm scarred for life, seriously, that was just gruesome. It's a very good sequel, something I had not expected. I really like the first one, so I was not pleased to learn that they were making another one as I feared it would take away from the original.
This film can easily stand alone though, and it builds on an interesting idea; repopulation after a zombie infistation. Of course this goes the way one would suspect and the horror comences.
It is a very cool horror film, and it's been ages since I've been this freaked out by a film. Not for the weak at heart.

Follow the Stars Home

A bit fractioned, and unfocused at times. But it's a very sweet story. One of those typical Hallmark kind of Sunday movies that's meant to have people reaching for the tissues.
It's a cute film, but I'm sure I'll have forgotten all about it in a few weeks.

4: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Like the one before I didn't expect much going into the theatre to see this, as it was a sequel to a pretty simple film I figured the formula would be pretty thin by now. However, this film was actually better than I expected. Yes, it's simple and plays on the action and humor the same way the first one did. It's another fun popcorn movie. It doesn't deal with major issues or try to be thought provocing, it's entertainment. And I was entertained.


I was very pleasantly suprised by this one. Up until now I've put off seing it as I couldn't imagine that a boxing movie featuring Sylvester Stallone could be very good. Turned out I was wrong, I actually enjoyed thois film quite a bit. The only thing that I really didn't like was that Rocky ended pretty much every sentence with 'you know?', which is a bit annoying in the long run.
All in all a cool movie, and well worth the stamp of a classic.

Æon Flux

That was just a big mess wasn't it.
I had at least expected some cool action sequenses, but what little there was of those got overshadowed by the insane storyline and backstory on which it was built. The most positive thing I can say about this film is that I liked Charlize Theron's hair.

Blades of Glory

What can I say, I'm easily amused. This movie was silly and totally over the top, but I couldn't stop laughing. It was crazy.
I don't think it's a movie I'll be that eager to recommend to people, but if you're in for a movie full of sillyness then that's what you'll get with this one.

The Simpsons Movie

This was just like watching a very long episode of the series. And not one of the better episodes either. Pulling the entire story of the movie away from Springfield in this way was a bad choice as far as I'm concerned. Loved characters barely made an appearance while others stayed past their welcome.
I was not impressed, but I guess it boils down to if you were a fan of the early Bart-oriented years or the later Homer-oriented years. I personally miss the old days.
The film is okay if you're in the mood for a long episode of The Simpsons, personally I'd rather pick out three episodes I enjoy and watch those.

The Dresden Files, season 1

I got throught this pretty quickly. Quality wise I would have thought it was a 90s show if I didn't know any better, The pacing is a bit messed up and I'm not the concerned about all of the characters.
The recurring vampire woman, Bianca, was annoying, mainly because Joanne Kelly butchered the role.
As the season progressed I found that my fave character was probably Bob as he seemed to feel like I did about the world in which these stories take place.
The show has made me curious about the books, as I've heard they're much better, but I'm not sure if I'll bother with the second season, if it gets one, of this series or not.


Toy Story & Toy Story 2

Toy Story.
After hearing so much about this film, I grabbed the chance to watch it when the chance arose. It was very sweet, and I was even entertained. It is a bit simple, but it is a kiddie movie, and the first CGI-movie if I'm not mistaken, so good job.

Toy Story 2.
After seing the first I had to see the second one as well. I actually found this one to be an improvement upon the first, with a tighter story and a better pace. I was more involved in what was going on this time around.

18. oktober 2007

Supernatural - 302 - The Kids Are Alright

  • I feel like a freak, but the opening kill was awesome. I was so stunned, I did not see it ending that way. I wonder what the original cut of it was like since they got to show this.
  • Sam in the beginning trying to lie about the phonecall, lol, that was so lame it was awesome. Calling out for pizza when he's in a restaurant, oh Sammy. He could just have said he was checking in with Bobby about the demon activity... but that wouldn't have been as funny.
  • I can't help it but horny-Dean both amuses me and embarrases me to no end. And come on Dean, she had balloons tied to her fence in the driveway, what did you think was going on?
  • The women talking about Lisa's desctiption of Dean was just too funny. And then their simple attempts at 'come hither' looks just slayed me. Poor Dean seemed so freaked.
  • Haha, and then another freak out when he meets Ben and does the math. Lol, the look on his face as he counts the years and then stumbles over the trash can was pure gold.
  • So Ruby's back. She is a bit high and mighty, but considering what happens later it makes a lot of sense.
  • That little girl was damn freaky. Seriously! Kids can be so insanely creepy. Episodes like this freak me out a hell of a lot more than most other creatures.
  • Ï loved the scene where Dean tells Ben how to beat up the bully. That was priceless. I can just see young-Dean attacking bullies in the same way. We need another flash-back episode dammit!
  • I get why Lisa was pissed at Dean for encouraging Ben to fight though, but it made for a great scene, the look on Dean's face when he's been busted is just to good. 

11. oktober 2007

Supernatural - 301 - The Magnificent Seven

  • I loved Dean in this episode. I know some people think he's actiong out of charater, but I don't think he's any different. Of course he has a more laid back attitude now. His main goals in life have been acchieved; the YED is dead and Sammy is safe... well as safe as he can be.
    There were some amazing shots of Dean in this episode, especially when he opens the door right before he's knocked down by Isaac.
  • Bobby was awesome in this ep. The character just gets better and better. Loved it when he yelled at Tamera, loved him taking charge and was very amused to see him in a suit, which is something that's been on my wishlist actually. Though in my head that included a shave.
  • I liked Tamera and her hubby to some degree. Tamera I liked the best of the two, and I hope we'll get to see her again. I like meeting new hunters and having them pop up once in a while.
  • The new girl, or the blonde thing, as she's also been called. I don't know which one of the two she is, but I have to admit I didn't hate her. On the other hand she didn't have much screentime so I didn't get enough info to form a real opinion yet. Her slicing up the demons was cool, though I hated that it was done in slow motion, that would have worked so much better in regular pace, where the audience could get the same WTF feeling that Sam was supposed to have.
    I do have a little theory about her in my head already, but it's not worth mentioning until I see more of her in the show.
  • The demon killing blade is something that's been in my head since the Colt was revealed. And I'm not surprised that there is one. And in my head there is a sword as well. Demons have been around for a long time, would figure there would be various demon-killing weapons. 
  • Sam was cool too. Though part of me had to giggle when he ended up getting strangled, yet again.
  • The seven deadly sins, now that was really cool. But I have to admit that I thought they would be harder to get rid of. Part of me was thinking that they should be part of their own little story arc, not being killed all at once. I guess that's the only part of the episode I was l sightly disspointed about.
  • All in al I really enjoyed the episode, and I am so happy to have the show back. I can't wait to see what other nasty demons they'll meet.