25. juni 2007

Heroes – 101 – Genesis

Heroes, the bastard child of Lost and The 4400, it was only a matter of time before I was going to check this out. I have abandoned the previous two, but decided that this was something I would have to check out as I am among the geek crowd who enjoy shows about people with superpowers.

So far this series shows a lot of promise and I will without a doubt continue onto the next episode.

So far my fave characters are Claire Bennet, Hiro Nakamura, Nathan Petrelli & Peter Petrelli, though I’m sure that will change as the story progresses as now it’s mostly based on the actors.

Will be exiting to see how this progresses and if this will be the one that manages to keep me watching.

Titan A.E.

I’m still a little baffled that I watched the whole thing, as it took about five minutes before I was bored and could see where this was going.
It’s like a copy of every good sci-fi movie that’s out there, trying to pick out the best bits to make something great. It fails however. I was never able to care much about any of the characters, or really give much of a damn if they succeeded in their mission or not.

Very disappointing indeed.

Lost, season 3 finale

I’ll admit that the series has managed to rebuild itself a little, but it’s lost me. I can’t seem to work up enough concern for characters I once loved. Now that they’ve killed off my sole reason for watching season 3 in the first place I doubt I’ll continue watching. I’m getting of the carousel here.

I might pick it up again at a later date, but that’ll be when the show has finished its run on television and I can borrow the DVDs from someone.

Watching the finale I realised how little I cared if they all ended up dead, save one or two characters that I still like, but don’t have enough hold on me to make me continue to next season.

The resolution to the flash-back (?) story in this episode did nothing for me. I ended up rolling my eyes and feeling that my choice to stop watching had just been validated.

It’s sad that a show that started of so great, and had spawned other shows that seem to be doing well has deteriorated into this, for the remaining fans I really hope it picks up and gives the closure that it deserves.

Bridge to Terabithia

I didn’t know what to expect from this film. I thought it was a fantasy movie based on the poster, so I was a little caught of guard when it turned out to be a film about two kids with a great imagination.It’s a very sweet film, and kind of reminded me a little of ‘The War’ even though the films have next to nothing in common.

I liked it very much actually, but it lacks a few scenes and information to make it truly great. I saw this with all my co-workers and we all seemed to agree that there was something missing at the end to give it a great closing. Which is sad really because the film is good up to that point. Not that the end was bad, but it was lacking something.

A film worth watching for people with imaginations though.

Thank You For Smoking

I‘d wanted to see this for a while, but was kind of putting it off because I couldn’t imagine sympathising with a guy who made his living backing cigarette.

It works though, it’s a very good film, and what it boils down to is that you don’t necessarily have to like him for what he does, but for the other small things, and here's a great character. Aaron Eckhart does a really good job portraying this guy.

I really enjoyed this film, I felt that it was missing an extra scene somewhere, but other than that I found it to be top notch.

Ugly Betty, season 1 finale.

I really shouldn’t like this show. It contains so many elements I usually hate; the over the top soap opera storylines, the clichéd characters, the back stabbing and double-crossing. This show makes it work though, sure there have been some storylines that had me rolling my eyes, but they’ve always kept me interested.
So when it was time for the finale I was happy because I didn’t quite know what to expect, but they did a great job, tying up some ends, while building on others.

I’m still in denial about the end though; I won’t believe that person is dead until I see the funeral in the season 2 opener.

I really hate Wilhelmina and Charlie right now; they both need a serious beating.

All in all I really enjoyed the season finale, and I am really looking forward to next season.

The Invisible Man

I think it’s about time I learnt that whenever I think something seems silly I should just shut up, sit down and watch it, because chances are I’ll end up loving it.
Yes, it is silly, and can’t really be taken seriously on any level, but it’s fun. And serves up enough twists and characters to make the fun last. There was really only one of the regular characters I never fully warmed up to, but other than that I really liked the series.

There are some repetitive storylines, and some of the villains they had plenty of opportunities to kill off, but other than that I have very few complaints.

I watched both seasons in about 1½ weeks, and even though it ended with enough closure to leave me satisfied with the series as a whole, I still wish there’d been more.

What makes me really sad though is Vincent Ventresca’s career following this show.


I didn’t expect much, I’d seen the trailer and it looked cool, but I’ve learned to keep my expectations very low. However this was rather awesome. Gross and scary, very effective. It's been a long time since a scary movie's actually creeped me out!

The film actually walks a very tight rope with regards to its characters as it took a little while for me to find some that I liked. The opening introduction to each character is brilliant though.

This movie is definitely worth a look for anyone who likes scary movies, and anyone who likes scary movies that are actually good. It’s not for the weak hearted though as some scenes are rather gross.

24. juni 2007

Clerks II

I don’t think I’ve ever uttered the phrase ‘that’s so wrong’ so many times during a movie before.

It was a fun ride, not one of my fave Kevin Smith films, but it was fun. It’s been to long since I’ve seen the first one to give any good comparison.

It was funny, it was disturbing and in some aspects sadly; predictable.

The characters and their interactions are what makes this film a win, the crazy things these people manage to do is just to funny.

The Perfect Score

It had its moments, but is sadly too weak to be memorable.
Good for anyone facing major exams to help with motivations and nerves I guess, but it’s not a super film by any means.
It’s another one of those films were you leave your brain at the door and try not to think too much about it.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Wow, was that ever a waste of time. I thought the second one was boring and full of plot holes; this one didn’t do much to save the previous movie or improve upon it.

I found it very predictable and dull, and there were so many things that just didn’t make sense.There had been so much fuzz made before this film about Yun-Fat Chow and Keith Richards being in this movie, and their screen time can barely fit into the category of cameo, very disappointing indeed.

And when the hell did Elizabeth Swann become the main character? Seriously.
I was never a huge fan of the franchise to begin with. I though the first one was enjoyable. In my honest opinion one film would have been enough, if they couldn’t make good sequels they shouldn’t have bothered. In my mind the following two don’t exist as the totally undermine the first film.

Jake 2.0.

I have to admit I started watching this show for Christopher Gorham, and that’s probably the only reason I managed to continue watching the show.

The first four episodes were rather dull and simplistic, and would probably have worked better for a show made in the early 90s than now.

It did however pick up a little after that. It seemed the writers noticed they had something to work with, with regards to Christopher Gorham and Keegan Connor Tracy, the other actors sadly came a cross as just showing up to earn a pay check while these two tried to make something out of their characters.

The stories were always rather simplistic and rarely held any high level of quality or excitement, but Christopher Gorham and Keegan Connor Tracy kept me watching till I had finished the series.

It was cancelled after 16 episodes, and this is one of the rare cases where I can understand why it was axed.

Bring It On: All or Nothing

Oh, it's so cheesy.
The only reason I managed to watch the entire thing was because I was to friggin tired to give a crap and Hayden Panettiere was kind of funny playing the blonde-cheerleader stereotype.
They really should have quit after the first film.

Dracula 2000

It had an ok premise, and it's worth watching just because of all the cameos, but it falls apart pretty quickly.
It’s very predictable, and the dialogue is cheesy as hell. Easily ranks among the lowest in the Vampire-movie-genre. How the hell they managed to get Christopher Plummer to play a part in this film is beyond me.

Employee of the Month

I had expected to hate it, but found it kind of enjoyable.

The story and its development is very predictable though.

It’s nothing extraordinary, it’s the kind of comedy where you leave your brain at the door and just try not to think about it too much.

Deadwood, season 1.

I initially started watching this show because I knew Brad Dourif and Jim Beaver were in it, but I was pleased to see several other familiar faces as well. When the series first started they were pretty much the only two characters I didn’t hate, but as the show progressed more and more characters managed to move over the line, some I love some I just like, but there are a few I still hate. However I don’t think so many characters in a show have managed to change my mind before.

It’s a very good show, and for anybody who likes the gritty westerns it’s definitely worth a look. My only complaint is that the show moves a bit slow, and that sometimes it’s hard to follow what’s going on, though that can be blamed on some of the people’s muffled speaking.

All in all it’s a very solid and well-made show that’s worth a look.

The X Files, season 1

It took a while, but I finished season 1. Don’t think I’ll continue any further though.I could see that this brought a lot of viewers when the show first started, but watching it for the first time now it comes across as quite dated.

Also one thing that didn’t quite make sense to me was how defensive Scully was of Mulder from the early episodes. Yes, she was a sceptic, but she’d defend Mulder as best she could and it didn’t make quite sense to me that she would work one case with the guy and suddenly decide that she owed him everything. Had this been a gradual thing it would have been easier for me to understand,

There were a few episodes I enjoyed, though that was mostly due to the guest stars.

I have abandoned this show now. I gave it a fair go, but now I can truly say it’s not for me. I may watch some other episodes later, but I don’t think I’ll settle down with an entire season again.

The Notebook

So this is what all the fuss is about. I’ve never been a big enthusiast when it comes to romance movies, and this didn’t do much to change my mind.

As the chick-flick genre goes this is a good film, and delivers some twists and turns, which was good.

It didn’t take long for me to see where it was going though, or what the twist at the end would be, but I think it was a nice way to tell the story and follow the progress.

I think it’s worth a watch for anyone who’s a fan of the genre.

Jeremiah, season 2

Season 2 is a major improvement on season 1, and most if not all of the credit for that goes to Sean Astin and his portrayal of Mister Smith.

Mr. Smith: How the hell am I supposed to know? I'm just God's sock puppet, ok? He shoves his hand up my ass and words come out the other end.

For me, season 2 of Jeremiah turned into the Mr.Smith show. I seriously squeed when he showed up, and the one episode he wasn’t in was kind of boring. He is a minor character, but I think once the creators saw how Sean Astin embraced the part and just knocked his performance out of the park, they wanted to give him more screen-time. I’m glad they did.

So if you’re watching season 1 and find it boring, jump ahead to the last two episodes of season 1 and then move on to season two, because there’s where the fun starts.


I have only watched the first two episodes, and I really liked it. When I learned it had been cancelled after only four episodes I was extremely disappointed, and even more pissed at FOX than I’ve been before. Damn bastards wouldn’t know a good show if it bit 'em in the persqueeter!

A review I agree with:

Drive had the potential to be a top rated television show. It was not given the time to develop an audience. The writing was superb and the cast performances were simply outstanding. If given more than three weeks to garner fan support, Drive could have proved itself to be the next 24 or House. Television executives are too quick to cancel a show after only a few episodes. Television programs need time to develop a fan base which is often generated by word of mouth buzz.
I can only hope that Drive will find a new home on a network that is willing to give the show the opportunity to prove what it is made of. As a fan I found it frustrating to invest in a show only to have the plug pulled prematurely.

I still haven’t seen episodes 3 and 4 that are on my hard-drive, because I can’t bring myself to invest more time in it knowing there won’t be anymore.

Sure the show was over the top, and I already want some of the characters to crash their cars and die, but the characters I like did so much for the show, and Nathan Fillion’s character kicked ass, I really wanted to see more of this.

I guess I can only hope that some other Network picks it up and gives it a chance.


It’s a good show, but I fail to see how it’s gained such a strong following.

I lost interest kind of fast, but am still watching it. If they killed off Ashley Scott’s character it might make me more interested. I really don’t like her.

The premise is very interesting, but after a while it goes a little over the top and the slightly soap-oprahish sub plots don’t do much to help.

Seeing as there’s only one season, and some episodes for closure I might watch it all the way through. If it hadn’t been for that I think I would have abandoned it by now.


Actually a very good idea, but sadly it doesn't hold up in the long run.The build-up is good, but it leaves you wanting something more, the film kind of leaves you hanging in the weirdest places.

When the big twist comes at the end I wasn’t really that surprised even though I wasn’t that prepared for it. It just didn’t work as well as it should have.

They should have reworked the script a little and changed some of the actors, because they don’t do much in ways of carrying the film either.

23. juni 2007

The Actors

What can I say; I wanted to see this since I discovered Dylan Moran and "Black Books". It’s not a remarkable film, but had me laughing quite a bit, mostly due to Dylan Moran.

The film also stars Michael Caine, Michael Gambon, Lena Headey & Miranda Richardson. If you’re a fan of either one it might be worth checking out.

The movie is so-so, but if you leave your brain at the door it’s fun.

I think it’s worth it just for Dylan Moran in a red wig and blue contacts, and Dylan Moran singing karaoke.

The Woods

This was a little to weird for my taste. It works on some level, as I felt a little uneasy throughout the film.

The thing that kind of didn’t work for me was that I never really felt that a clear motive for what was going on was established. When you finally got some explanation it was kind of hard to grasp, at least for me.

Also I picked up on some things very early, and was maybe a bit surprised that the main characters didn’t. Then again it wouldn’t have worked as well if they did.

I would still recommend this film to people that like these kinds of scary-movies, but it didn’t quite work 100% for me.

The Quiet

I’d wanted to see this film for a while now so when I was really pleased when I finally got the chance to watch it. The trailer doesn’t really give the right vibe as to what this film is all about, so it took a while for me to get into it.

It’s a good film, but you need patience to watch it, as it moves slowly and doesn’t really have a big resolution.
All in all it is a good movie, but the viewer needs patience.

Shaun of the Dead

What can I say, I love this movie.

To be honest the first time I watched it took me a while to get into the whole rhythm of the film. I’m glad I stuck with it though because this is truly an awesome film, and it sparked my interest in zombie movies. It is a great starter-flick if you want to get into the genre, and holds enough nods to entertain zombie-film-fans.

Jeremiah (last half of season 1)

The first season was never great. Sadly it’s Malcolm-Jamal Warner who’s left to carry the show because, let’s face it, Luke Perry can’t. Even though I liked the Kurdy character he wasn’t strong enough to carry it all the way.

The show also relies on Peter Stebbings and Ingrid Kavelaars to help carry the weight, but their characters are sadly not interesting enough to help a lot.

The show picks up a little towards the season finale and managed to close with enough of a bang to make me continue on to season 2.

1. juni 2007


It was a very good and tight movie and the actors involved did a very good job.

One or two scenes didn’t make quite sense to me, but I think that falls under the scenes where the writer wants to let us decide what to believe.

The film was friggin long though, there were several times where I felt the film started to wind down, only to have it pull back up again.

The feel and look of the film was really great, it gritty look without having it be depressing. You get involverd in the characters lives and their obsession with the Zodiac killer.

I can’t really go to in depth about this movie. I’ll just say that it was very good, and it’s worth checking out.